Herbaceous perennial native to East Asia.
Also known as Chrysanthemum × morifolium (with the hybrid × symbol), Dendranthema × grandiflorum and many other names.
Grows very rapidly
Requires full sun and moist, well-drained soil.
Simple, toothed leaves have little wildlife benefit; plant is very resistant to deer and rabbit grazing.
Grows 1-3' tall in a very compact, rounded form.
Requires signfiicant maintance, mainly pinching and edging.
Sentimental and Symbolic Value
The Chrysanthemum is considered one of the “Four Gentlemen” (四君子), a common Chinese artistic motif which represents the changing of the seasons, along with the cherry plum, orchid, and bamboo. This is a distinct but related motif to Three Friends of Winter, of which the cherry plum is also part of and can be read about here.
European cultures consider it a symbol of death due to its historical use as a gravesite decoration, while it has been seen as a symbol of love and hope in the US since colonial times.
The chrysanthemum was adopted by the Japanese Emperor as his official crest, known as the Chrysanthemum Seal (菊紋) in 1183. The 16-petaled version shown stylized in the seal is of a variety called "Ichimonjiginu". Some time after that, the emperor's throne became known as the Chrysanthemum Throne, which is also used metonymically to represent the Japanese monarchy. Finally, Japan's highest chivarlric order, the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum (大勲位菊花章) was established in 1876 by the Meiji Emperor and also uses this plant as its symbol.
Specimen photographed found on Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts. Specimen photographed found on Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts. Part of the Urban Ornamental Plants assignment (10/27/2021)

Plant History and Etymology
The generic name comes from the Ancient Greek χρυσός (khrusós, “gold”) and ἄνθεμον (ánthemon, “flower”). The chrysanthemum was first cultivated in China around the 15th century BC. The Shennong Ben Cao Jing, a foundational book on Chinese herbalism from the 3rd century AD, claims that it is one of the most important traditional medicines and that it "lifts the inhibition of blood and qi, alleviates the body, slows down ageing and prolongs life". In addition to its medical uses, it began to be cultivated ornamentally during the Jin Dynasty (266-420). It appeared in Japan in the 8th century, where it became wildly popular. Under Emperor Antoku (1180-1185), the sixteen-pointed chrysanthemum flower became the official imperial seal which is still used today. The flower was introduced to the West in the 17th century, first mentioned in Jacobus Breynius' Prodomus Plantarum Rariorum (1689). They are now grown ornamentally all over the world and there are some 20,000 varieties.
Design Considerations
The Chrysanthemum is an extremely showy plant with vibrant colors and an attractive, formal shape. The flowers, which are actually tightly-packed bunches of many smaller flowers, come in a variety of colors from gold to purple to white, and are also edible. The some 20,000 varieties and cultivars are divided into a handful of group depending on the behavior of flowers, so it is easy for a planter to get the desired look if they select the right one.Some of these categories include pompom, spider, anemone, incurved and spray. Due to their edibility, resilience and compact form they would make a great choice for any formal or edible garden.
“Chrysanthemum X Morifolium (Chrysanthemum, Florist’s Chrysanthemum, Florist’s Daisy, Garden Chrysanthemum, Garden Hardy Chrysanthemum, Garden Mum, Hardy Garden Mum, Mum) | North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox.” 2021. Ncsu.edu. 2021. https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/chrysanthemum-x-morifolium/.
“History of the Chrysanthemum | National Chrysanthemum Society, USA.” 2021. Mums.org. 2021. https://www.mums.org/history-of-the-chrysanthemum/.
“Chrysanthemum Morifolium ‘Bedazzled Bronze’ - Plant Finder.” 2021. Missouribotanicalgarden.org. 2021. https://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/PlantFinder/PlantFinderDetails.aspx?taxonid=274180.
“History and Meaning of Chrysanthemums - ProFlowers Blog.” 2016. ProFlowers Blog. August 16, 2016. https://www.proflowers.com/blog/chrysanthemum-meaning.
“Four Gentlemen | Chinese Painting | China Online Museum.” 2021. Chinaonlinemuseum.com. 2021. http://www.chinaonlinemuseum.com/painting-four-gentlemen.php.